4 Quotes & Sayings By Corneille

Corneille (or Pierre Corneille, Corneille le jeune) (1583 - 1644) was a French poet, playwright, and theatre director. One of the most famous playwrights in French history, he has been called "the father of tragedy." He was born in Rouen. His plays, which were performed throughout France and in several other countries (where they were known as "Corneille's"), include Polyeucte, Cléopâtre, Horace, Cinna, Bérénice, Cinna, Cinna II et Cinna III, Cléopâtre, Hamlet et Alcibiade. He is best known for his tragedies.

We triumph without glory when we conquer without danger. Corneille
A good memory is needed once we have lied. Corneille
Violence is just where kindness is vain. Corneille